Telemagic, Susanne Janssen & Louisa Teichmann present: 1 Euro Cinema… Online

Open-call: Coupled Worlds 

Deadline open call:
30 September 2020

Opening online cinema:
Date tba

  • Your film was made preferably between 2019-2020.
  • Your film is .mp4 (H.264 codec) and between 1 and 30 minutes long. Resolution/ratio is up for choice.**
  • A short biography + contact details in Dutch or English (max. 100 words)
  • A short description of your film in Dutch or English, describing its relation to the theme Coupled Worlds (max. 150 words)

Applications can be sent by email to: up to and including 30 September 2020 in a single PDF or text file of size up to 5 MB. Please upload the accompanying video material online to a file hosting service of your choice and include the non-expiring download link in your application email.

Applicants will receive a message before 15 October 2020.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on
** In this experimental online 3D-world, the films come to live and are archived on this island. The thumbnails are treated as organisms and will act like shapeshifters. As the 1 Euro Cinema is taking place in a generated world, it is possible to apply with films that derive from the standard 16:9 ratio (or even have a multiple screen-setup). But please do note that the world will be experienced by people from their home computers, laptops or smartphones. Speaking from artist to artist, we’ll always treat your work with respect and if we have any questions we will contact you. 

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Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industries

Be part of a digi-organic island occupied by physical lawlessness and film-critters.

The 1 Euro Cinema is back and transcends from its physical form into one that is fully digital. In a current world where the online forms of communication have overruled physical ways, we are looking to explore the role of cinema in a digital environment.
We continue with emphasizing the role of non-physics, online interactions, while flipping coins and getting together to watch films. Time to think beyond dimension and context.

In this first edition, designer and film makers Susanne Janssen and Louisa Teichmann (and former 1 Euro Cinema participants) will give you a ticket to their world in the webosphere where you can explore a re-envisioned take on the cinematic oracle. In this world only true voyagers will find the fortunes they are looking for… traversing through a digi-organic island occupied by physical lawlessness and film-critters.
We question laws of nature in the digital. We use technology to uncover nature’s hidden secrets. Both worlds are coupled through technology.

Within this land there is a hidden database of films. This edition’s 1 Euro Cinema collection will be curated by Telemagic and Susanne Janssen

We are calling for new films on connections between our digital and physical worlds.
How do we imagine speculative nature in our digital world, and how does the digital translate in our natural world? How do they collide, merge and interchange?
Welcome a world open for speculative design between the real and unreal.

About the 1 Euro Cinema
The 1 Euro Cinema is a project started by Telemagic in 2017. A small, travelling cinematic oracle that chooses a film for you in exchange for 1 Euro (that goes back to the maker). The cinema decides what you will watch… choosing from films ranging between 1 and 25 minutes.

This machine is the gatekeeper to a database of over 40 films made by emerging film makers from Europe and China. Over the last years, film has re-emerged as a medium of choice within all kinds of art education disciplines. It has resulted in an interesting trend of (graduating with) self-made, often 1-man film productions. There is not really a place for this type of film yet, nor are there any rules that apply to them. We also feel that this new genre reflects on a current zeitgeist - how the accessibility of digital creative tools reshapes our ways of communicating, sharing and creating. All the films in the cinema reflect back on this and revolve around themes such as tangible media, digital anxiety, invisibility, queerness, social changes and the human capacity.

In the last year the 1 Euro Cinema has expanded as a project, where we invite guest artist curators and travel across the border with the machine. The 1 Euro Online Cinema will be a new project starting from summer of 2020. This fully digital project is an answer to our current state of self-quarantining, but will also explore the existing concept of the 1 Euro Cinema on a more artistic level.

The 1 Euro Online Cinema will open in 2021.